

Target Audience

Homemakers, Health and environmentally concerned adults.


Proctor and Gamble is a leading brand name in home cleaning and personal care products. Though lately, they have been accused of green washing. PG has seen competitors break into the new market for environmental and human friendly products. PG now recognizes the need for a new line of authentic green products that will fill the market gap and satisfy the environmental agencies.

Value Proposition

To develop an identity for a new line of environmentally friendly products from Proctor & Gamble that appeals to an environmentally conscious consumer base and communicates an authentic message consisting of PG’s core values. And to develop some core touch points related around this new brand such as an e-commerce.

Conceptual Logo

The Vitas logo is about sustainability. The two leaf shapes form an infinity symbol that represents the brand's core values of sustainability.

Business System

The brand's application spans across all related media.